Sieved out, a study of harmonies

In the Modern Greek language, the word «crisis», pertains to two different concepts. On the one hand it describes one’s personal mental processes of evaluation, ethics and decision making that formulate a picture of reality, whereas on the other hand, crisis describes a situation of dire change, often irreversible that therefore formulates a brand new picture of reality. The later concept is the reason why this word was used in articles, responses and analyses, to describe the state of the Greek economy.

The ancient meaning of the word was different, it meant «separating» or «sieving» and is far more suitable for describing the feeling caused to those who was exposed to this reality. Crisis was a sieve through which, households, careers, personalities, ideologies, institutions and values attempted to pass through. The result of the separation is evident everywhere, on faces, streets and landscapes, forming a new scenery, a new world defined by numbers and statistics, a world of luxury hotels, clean mall aleys, smart devices and smart people, a world with no room for the sieved out. These pictures are searching the beauty and the harmony of everything left behind.
